Happy Feet Day Spa
2502 S. Brentwood Brentwood , MO , 63144
9:30 AM - 9:00 PM
Body Deep Tisssue,Hot Stone
30min/$40 60min/$50 90min/$75 120min/$100
Table Shower
60min/ $10
70min/ $5
Foot Reflexology (includes foot bath)
45min/$26 60min/$35
Combo 60min/$50 (Table Foot Reflexology)
β€οΈβ€οΈSwedish Massage is the most common type ofmassage used here in the states. Pressure is applied to the tissues andmuscles varying from light to medium to firm. This massage is considered to be one of themost relaxing ways to reenergize you mind and body.
β€οΈβ€οΈDeep Tissue Massage applies more intensepressure, working intensely on the muscles andtissues to loosen toxins,release tension in the body. This massage is recommended for individualwho experience consistent pain and soreness in the muscles.
β€οΈβ€οΈFoot Reflexology helps enhance your overallhealth and keep your energy balanced. Each body systems shown above are connectedcertain areas of your feet.By massaging these zones, reflexology aims to reduce any stress oraliments that reside in any of your bodys systems.